Dec 22 , 2016

As I continue to reflect on how amazing this year has been, I am starting to prepare myself for the New Year.  Each year around this time we set goals for ourselves. Some we keep, and some, well you know.  Nonetheless, it is always important to plan ahead.  This year I wanted to share how I will be preparing for the upcoming year and have no plans on turning back.

I decided to go into the New Year with a BANG, and do something I’ve wanted to do for some time now.  I’ve been natural for over three years and decided to go back to that “creamy crack” (perm) and cut my hair.  As you know I turned the big 30 this year and wanted a more mature look. After going through some pictures on Facebook, I realized that I have been wearing the same styles in rotation over the past six years, and wanted something different.  I must say that I am IN LOVE with how it turned out.  The process took approximately five hours.  My stylist over at lylashairextensions and I had so much fun during the process.  Like me,  she is always looking to try something new and fun on her clients.  She had helped me transition from perm to natural a few years back; and has now transitioned me right back to a perm.  Crazy, huh?

So here we are.  I am no longer considered a “natural girl”, but hey I’m cool with that.  I look at it as just hair and I can always transition back.  For now, I love my short cut.  It’s super easy to manage and I am excited about being able to rock cute hats and stuff.  Check out that pics below of my process.  Don’t mind my silly faces; I was having way too much fun (until the perm started to tingle).  If you are looking to jump into the New Year, try changing you hair (it was a lot easier than losing weight).  Do something drastic or different sometimes. Like they always say, “don’t knock it until you try it.”  Self-confidence is something that I will never lack; my hair is now permed and short and there’s no turning back!

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