Feb 11 , 2019
It’s that time of the year again when we are bombarded with all sorts of commercial pressure to go out and spend a fortune to show the true merit of our love. Valentines Day is a celebration of love, but rather than just focussing on what fancy gift you can give to your loved one, or how elaborately you can celebrate the day, why not focus on giving more of yourself to others.
It is really not about us anymore – it is about others and what we can do for them. So this year, I decided to come up with a list of things that you can do to truly reconnect with the real meaning of this day.
Love Bags: What better way to connect with those in need by putting together love bags to pass out those in need.
Love Notes: Valentines and love notes aren’t just for secret crushes. This year, send one (or several!) to someone you think could use a pick-me-up. Many children’s hospitals have great, easy ways to send a Valentine online and brighten a child’s day.
Make a date out of volunteering: Few things bring people closer together than volunteering. You get to go do something new and feel all the warm fuzzies you get from helping others.
Visit your local hospital or nursing home: Many older folks have lost their spouses, and the holidays can be an especially hard and lonely time for them. Just being there to listen can make a huge difference in a resident’s day. If you prefer a more structured approach, you could plan to perform a short play or a series of songs, inviting seniors to join in to sing along. Other activities include reading, board games, and scrapbooking.
Love Gifts: Give your significant other a gift that benefits a good cause, or make a charitable donation in their name.
Love is the most amazing thing in our lives. It is what makes us human and what makes life worth living. I’ve learned that nothing else truly matters, and there’s so many simple things we can do on a daily basis to bring more love into the lives of others. Dont feel pressured to go out and spend a ton of money, rather use the occasion of Valentines Day to manifest more love in a positive way.
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