Dec 21 , 2017
Google defines purpose as the reason for which something is done or for which something exists. I pondered on that and instantly compared it to my most recent experience with the word. December 18th marks a special day in my life. It’s the day I gave birth to my amazingly talented daughter. Fast forward to Monday, December 18th, 2017 where I would celebrate not only my daughters 4th birthday at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium, but also celebrate being a part of the 2018 Purpose Ambassadors Class for SunTrust Bank.
SunTrust held a private viewing and networking party for the Atlanta Falcons vs. Tampa Bay Bucacaneers game this past Monday. When I received the invitation, I thought to myself how cool that this celebration is on my daughter’s birthday. This event was exclusively for the new Purpose Ambassadors and was nothing short of amazing. We had an opportunity to meet the Atlanta Falcons cheerleaders, retired football players, toured the new stadium, eat from an endless buffet, and watched the Falcons beat the Buccaneers. The biggest highlight of the evening was being able to fellowship with colleagues who share the same purpose. As I stood in the SunTrust Club, beautifully furnished with marble floors and enough flat screens to fill up 18 branches, the only word that came to my head was PURPOSE. Here I am, little old me, standing here with my busy four year old, in this lavish club on her birthday. Those thoughts are what made me want to share this experience on what SunTrust is and who we stand for as a financial institution. Not to shade any others, but I’ve never came close to this experience at any job I’ve ever worked for. The confidence level I felt in that moment watching my daughter pose and take pictures with the Atlanta Falcon cheerleaders (who she was dying to meet by the way) is the same confidence SunTrust wants all Americans to have when it comes to their finances.
Aside from the perks, our mission as Purpose Ambassadors is pretty simple; decrease or eliminate the financial stresses of life. Statistics shows that 51% of people don’t have 2k saved for a rainy day and nearly one third of households who are making 75k or more are living paycheck to paycheck. Do you fall in that number? Can you relate? Do you know someone who is dealing with a financial situation right now? I’m sure you answered YES to at least one of those questions. Unfortunately, it has become a horrible reality that we are on a mission to change. We implement change through a simple addition of knowledge, which is what the onUp Movement offers. The beauty of this movement is it’s not composed of gimmicks or subscriptions. We aren’t promoting or trying to swindle people to move their accounts from their trusted banks. OnUp is just a one stop shop where you can go for basic knowledge, tools, tips, and resources that can set you free. So, are you ready to be free?
December 18th will forever be monumental day in my life; and this year made it even better. When we left the new stadium, my daughter looked at me and said, “Mommy that was so much fun! You’re so awesome.” See, when I think about purpose, I think about the memories I create with my daughter. She is my PURPOSE. She is the reason I go hard each and every day. When one door closes, she ignites something in me to find another one. That’s what purpose does; if you don’t believe me, just “google” it. As we celebrate this holiday season and bring this year to a close, I encourage you to find your PURPOSE. Join the onUp Movement so you can spend less time worrying about your finances and more time creating memories with your love ones. I guarantee you the smiles on their faces are much more rewarding. onUp
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